Tag: Zakos
忠仆 Loyal Servant .01
【Undress and ****】混乱的街区走廊,等待我的是一具尸体… In the chaotic corridors of the neighborhood, what was waiting for me was a corpse…
守卫之死 Death of a Zako Guard .07
紧张的抢救似乎有了定局… The intense first-aid comes to an end…
【Carry and Hug】 个人偏爱的杂鱼风格 Personal favorite Zakos style
守卫之死 Death of a Zako Guard .06
抢救继续。会不会有奇迹呢… Resus continues. Could there be some miracle here?
卸下 Put down
废土上的处决司空见惯,美丽的女奴似乎已默默死去… Execution is common on wasteland. The sexy girl slave seemingly gone already…
守卫之死 Death of a Zako Guard .05
女守卫似乎有回转的希望!杜元无法见死不救… The Zako have a chance to survive! Dean cannot unsee this…
守卫之死 Death of a Zako Guard .04
浪漫的洗浴之后,杜元与怀里的美人有个约会… After a romantic shower, Dean has a date with the beauty in his arms…
守卫之死 Death of a Zako Guard .03
被带回家的身体先要洗洗干净… The body brought home should be wash clean first…
守卫之死 Death of a Zako Guard .02
不知是幸还是不幸,守卫的遗体被意外的第三者发现… Lucky or not, Zako’s body was found by a surprising third party…
守卫之死 Death of a Zako Guard .01
一个美丽的女守卫突然遇袭丧命… A beautiful Zako was attacked and murdered…
毕业 Graduation .05
毕业 Graduation .04
毕业 Graduation .03
毕业 Graduation .02
毕业 Graduation .01
战阵遗失 Lost in Action .03
战阵遗失 Lost in Action .02
战阵遗失 Lost in Action .01
卢阳之死 .03
卢阳之死 .02
卢阳之死 .01